

The purpose of Calvary Murrieta is framed in our mission statement: to love 神 completely, 真诚地爱人, 并在全球范围内培养弟子.
We seek to live this out by living the great commandment and fulfilling the great commission.

Calvary Murrieta holds to the following statements: these statements should serve as a guide to understanding what we believe.  The topics here provide only a brief summary and should not be taken as our complete belief structure.


圣经是人写的, 是圣灵赐给人类作家的, 是神向人启示他自己. 它是神教导的完美宝库. 它的作者是上帝, 原文中没有任何混杂错误的真理, 和救赎的结局.  All Scripture is totally true and trust价值y and pertains to all things regarding life and godliness.  
Ps. 19:7-11. 3:15-17 | 2 Pt. 1:3

There is one and only one living 和真正的 神 who is sovereign, and the creator of all things.  他以三个人的身份永远存在, 父亲, 儿子, 和圣灵, 这些位格中的每一位都是完全的神,并且合一为一.
创. 1:26 | Dt. 6:4 | Mt. 28:19 | Ps. 45:6-7


神 is called 父亲 because He is the 父亲 over all creation. 他也是亲密关系中的父亲. 他是我们主耶稣基督的父, and He is the 父亲 of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. 
弗. 3:14, 15 | Ps. [以弗所书103:13. 1:3 | Jn. 1:12


Jesus Christ has always been fully 神, and became fully man in one person, and will be so forever.  He created all things with the 父亲 and has existed always.  He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. 他完全地遵守神的律法, 并在十字架上代替他的死, 他预备将人从罪中救赎出来. In His bodily, historical 复活, He overcame 死亡 and sin for all who believe.
Lk. 1:35 | Jn. 1:1 | Jn. 1:14 | Jn. 3:16 | Jn. 3:34, 35 |Jn. 14:31 | Jn. 11:25


The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of 神, a fully divine person of the Trinity.  他高举基督. He manifests the active presence of 神 in the world, and especially in the church.  他叫人知道罪,知道义,知道公平.  He indwells the believer and leads the church in worship, discipleship, and service. 
Is. 59:21 | Jn. 14:17 | Jn. 14:26 | Jn. 16:8


神 created human beings, male and female, as His unique and crowning work of creation.  By mankind’s own choosing, he rebelled against 神 and brought sin into the human race.  的值, 价值, and sacredness of human personality is evident in that 神 created man in His own image, and in that Christ died for man; therefore, we believe that every person possesses dignity and is 价值y of respect and Christian love. 
创. 罗1:26,27. 5:12 | Jn. 3:16


We believe that the essence of the gospel is an understanding that we are more rebellious against 神 than we can ever know and also more loved by 神 than we can ever comprehend.
We also believe that the gospel of Jesus is demonstrated through His life, 死亡, 埋葬, 复活, 和教导.  他教导说他会救赎我们, 他会更新我们, 使我们顺服, and ultimately He will restore us to His eternal dwelling place. He chooses us to join Him in inviting all others to follow this same pattern that He set forth. 
Mk. 16:15 | Jn. 12:32 | Jn. 林前14:6. 15:1-4


The resulting work of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross brought salvation to the world, and is a gift of 神 redeeming us from our sin and reconciling us to our 神.  Jesus came to earth and accomplished salvation for all who would believe.  All who turn from their sin and believe in Jesus receive this gift of salvation.  由于这种信仰, 所有跟随他的人都要效法耶稣, 活得像耶稣, 像耶稣一样去爱.  
Jn. 5:24 | Jn. 8:31 |罗马. 弗5:9,10. 2:9, 10


教会既是本地的,也是世界性的.  The Universal Church is the community of all true believers for all time. The local church is a faith filled community of worshipers who are united as an intentional community of disciples under the headship of Christ and godly servant-leaders. 
使徒行传2:42. 弗10:25. 5:25 |启. 来5:9,10. 12:23

洗礼 & 交流

洗礼是信徒信仰的公开宣示, 追求对耶稣教诲的服从, 并在基督的埋葬和复活上有分.  We believe it symbolizes 死亡 to your old life and announces your new life in Christ, 庆祝你加入上帝的大家庭.  
Mt. 28:19;使徒行传8:36-38. 6:3, 4
The bread and cup of 交流 remembers and celebrates Jesus’ life, 死亡, 埋葬, 和复活, 与所有信徒订立新约.  We look inward by examining our own heart in light of the cross and look forward to drinking the cup new with Him in His 父亲’s Kingdom. 
林前. 11:23-26 | Lk. 22:17-19 | Mt. 26:29


We believe all followers of Jesus will commit to His instructions, by living intentionally in their participation of the mission of Christ to make disciples who in turn make disciples of all nations.  We believe Christ sends us primarily to those who have not yet heard the Gospel. 神 desires the unique worship of all cultures; therefore, we believe that authentic relationships that honor culture and customs advance the Kingdom. We believe the Bible instructs Jesus’ disciples to model Christ’s love, 谦卑, 和仁慈, 用我们的言语和生活来证明福音. 
牧师. 5:9, 10 | Mt. [28:19, 20] 1帖撒. 2:8 |罗马书. 15:20 |罗马. 10:15


We believe the family is unique in its ability to communicate many of the attributes of 神.  The family was created by 神 for the benefit of man and communicates the intimacy, 培养, 服从, 以及我们与上帝之间的永恒关系.  男人。 was given stewardship over it and is the essential building block of human society. 
创. 2:24 | Is. 以弗所书54:5. 1:5
Marriage is the union of one man and one woman who will live bound not by contract alone, 而是借着在他的爱里所作的不可违背的承诺.  We believe that men and women are opposite and equal to each other, 婚姻是在上帝面前的, 你的家庭和所有主要的社会机构, 带着彼此相爱的承诺, 忠实的, 和真正的.  The marriage union is a permanent promise that extends into the future.
创. 2:18 |创. 2:24 | Mt. [19:8]弗. 5:31
We believe that 神 wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female and that gender is determined by one’s biological makeup at birth.  These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of 神.  Rejection of one’s biological gender or gender identity is a rejection of the image of 神 within that person
创. 罗马书1:26-32;哥林多前书6:9-11


The second coming of Jesus is the hope and reminder that 神 is 忠实的, 他对万物有最终的控制.  Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly, and Christ will judge all men in righteousness.  We believe that 神 will fulfill all future promises and prophecies regarding the second coming of Jesus.
牧师. 19:11-16 | Jn. [14:3]捷克语. 14:4


神爱公义. He commands His children to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.  另外, 他选择通过觉知来完成他的正义, 祂儿女的倡导和行动, 谁为正义而工作,积极地爱所有弱势群体, 被边缘化和受折磨的人. 
Is. [61:8]箴言. 箴31:8,9. 24:11,12